Comparing Gates To Rockefeller
RON CHERNOW says there are many striking similarities between Bill Gates and John D. Rockefeller, Sr. He should know: he wrote the most recent authoritative Rockefeller biography, Titan: The Life Of John D.
Rockefeller, Sr. Rockefeller was richer (compared to the total U.S.
economy) and gave more of his money away, Chernow says.
Chernow's book doesn't mention Bill Gates; it is strictly a Rockefeller biography. But the widespread public interest in comparing the two industrial giants has led Chernow to join in the game of finding parallels in their lives.
Chernow spoke recently to Paul Schindler about Rockefeller and Gates. The interview began with a discussion of the fundamental dichotomy in Rockefeller's life, between his religion and his ethically dubious business practices.
Interviewed by Paul Schindler
July 16, 1998